
Massage Therapy Services in Victoria

Whether you’re seeking improved mobility, personalized self-care strategies, workplace wellness solutions, or a unique addition to your events, our range of services caters to every need.

Massage Therapy

A combination of assessment, soft tissue work, and movement to work towards your goals of moving or feeling better.

Self Care

Improve your ability to take care of your body by learning self care strategies and basic massage techniques you can utilize independently.

Workplace Visits

Bring massage therapy to your workplace.

Whether it’s to reward staff for their efforts or to help them prioritize their health, make access to massage easy.


With a portable massage table, RMT treatments can be brought in to surprise your customers, support your social event, or to treat athletes at competition.


What to expect in your treatment

Every treatment begins with an assessment. By seeing how your body is moving and feeling before any soft tissue work, we can put together a targeted plan for treatment and re-evaluate afterwards. Make sure to wear clothes that you can move in as we may check range of motion or begin the treatment clothed.

Depending on the goals we set out and your level of comfort, the treatment may include a combination of massage techniques, joint mobilizations, reassessing, and stretching. If needed, we’ll end with self care exercises to keep you moving and feeling better until the next treatment.

Be prepared to participate in your treatment!

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